What to Do With a Broken Crown?

Broken Crown Stuart, FL

A broken crown should receive care right away. A dental crown protects and supports a tooth after its root canal treatment. It maintains the size, function, and shape of the tooth. Having a broken crown should not be a cause for panic. If you want to know what to do with a broken crown, here are some important pointers.

Why one should not ignore a broken crown

A dental crown covers the top, visible part of the tooth. Once it breaks, the tooth and its roots become defenseless. This leads to tooth sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages. The longer the patient waits for repairs, the worse the sensitivity gets. Ignoring the broken crown will only lead to more complications.

The crown’s goal is to prevent further decay. A broken crown should receive attention right away. This will prevent the worsening of decay or even tooth loss. If the crown chips off, cracks, or breaks, setting up an appointment is ideal. An appointment on the same day will help solve the dental dilemma and maintain the tooth’s protection.

What the dentist does

A broken crown is not always an emergency case. Even so, the patient may experience pain because of the pulp’s exposure. It can even trigger aesthetic and psychological issues if the dental crown is on a front tooth. If this is the case, the dentist should fix the broken crown as soon as possible.

The dentist will examine the tooth and the crown. Dental X-rays and a visual exam can confirm if the dental crown still fits. For this, the dentist will re-cement the broken crown. If the patient still has the dental crown, the dentist will examine it. Once the crown is defective or lost, the dentist will fit a temporary crown. The dental lab will create a new dental crown for the patient.

Patients may take long before going to the dentist for a broken crown repair. If this is the case, there is a chance that the tooth’s infection gets much worse. The dentist may have to extract the tooth and replace it with a dental implant. A new crown will then go over the tooth restoration.

The patient should rest after the dental crown repair or re-cementation. There are types of cement that are sensitive to excessive movement or pressure. A soft diet will allow the cement to set well. Eating sticky or hard foods might detach, dislodge, or break the new crown.

Practicing proper oral care will help keep bacteria away from the new or repaired crown. If there is a degree of discomfort while moving the jaw, the patient must let the dentist know. The dentist will then adjust the crown. A routine dental checkup every six months will help maintain the integrity of the crown.

A broken crown should receive dental care right away

Having a broken crown may not always be a dental emergency, but a dentist should see it quickly. This will allow one to get relief from tooth sensitivity. It will also make sure that the tooth maintains its protection against bacteria. Seeing a dentist for a broken crown repair can help save the tooth and improve dental health.

Are you considering fixing a broken crown in the Stuart area? Get more information at https://drdelucia.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Broken Crown in Stuart, FL.

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