3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist About Teeth Bleaching

Teeth Bleaching Stuart, FL

For a brighter smile, teeth bleaching is becoming a common treatment for adults. If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, this could be a viable solution to your concerns. Yellow, brown, or gray discoloration of the teeth can be embarrassing and make you want to hide your smile. The good news is that you can find effective bleaching options from your dentist. Before you choose this, make sure you talk to your dentist and understand the process.

The causes of stained teeth

Many people have a difficult time keeping stains from their teeth. Usually, the staining is gradual but consistent over a long period. Poor oral hygiene is a common cause. People who do not brush often enough or effectively are prone to needing teeth bleaching.

Also, some foods and beverages can stain teeth. Tomato sauce and some fruits can have this effect. Drinking excessive amounts of coffee, wine, and cola can stain teeth as well. Smoking can also turn teeth yellow or even black.

Ask about the teeth bleaching process

It is important to understand how teeth bleaching works so that patients can feel comfortable at the dentist’s office. In-office bleaching treatments typically require only one or two visits. Each appointment takes about an hour. To begin with, the patient settles in a dental chair while the dentist prepares the bleaching solution.

The solution contains either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide in a high concentration. The dentist places the gel solution in a mouthpiece and inserts it over the patient’s teeth. The peroxide penetrates deep into the enamel and dentin layers of the tooth. It breaks down the molecules that stain teeth.

Ask about the risks and side effects

People have benefited for years from teeth bleaching. These treatments have proven to be effective for people who need significant improvements to color shades. The process poses little, if any, risks to patients. People with tooth sensitivity should speak to the dentist first, however. The bleaching gel can be uncomfortable and irritating to people who have these issues.

Ask about the results

Before trying teeth bleaching, patients will want to know how well it performs. In-office bleaching can change a tooth’s color by several shades. Some patients even see a difference immediately. Teeth stains should be gone for several months or even up to a year or longer.

Results will vary from patient to patient. A person’s daily habits will help to determine how long the bleaching effects last. Brushing twice a day and flossing every day will help. After teeth bleaching, the patient should continue to visit the dentist regularly for checking and cleanings.

Aftercare tips

Teeth bleaching happens within a short dental appointment. The results can last long with proper care and maintenance. It is natural to want bleached teeth to last for as long as possible because it is an investment. Here are some aftercare tips that can help extend the effects of the bleaching treatment:

  • Stay away from acidic foods. This should be part of the patient’s daily dental care routine. Examples of these foods are lines, pickles, and soda. Bleaching the teeth already weakens the enamel. The acid in these foods will weaken the enamel even more.
  • Avoid colored foods and drinks. The first two days following the procedure will be most important. During this time, the teeth will be prone to blemishes. Extending the whiteness of the teeth will involve abstaining from colored meals and drinks. Even tobacco consumption is out of the question.
  • Refrain from consuming cold and hot drinks and foods. After teeth bleaching, the teeth will be sensitive. Staying away from these foods and beverages can prevent more pain.
  • Practice gentle brushing. This is possible with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Hard brushing will add to the discomfort. Even with a soft-bristled toothbrush, the motion should be mindful. Two minutes of brushing like this can remove the plaque and food particles and not hurt the sensitive teeth.
  • Consume foods that keep the teeth clean. Some of these foods are celery, apples, green beans, and carrots. These foods trigger the production of saliva. After eating them, rinse the mouth. Eating high-calcium foods and drinks can help fight decay and keep the teeth healthy.

A new smile awaits

If you are tired of your discolored teeth, there is a treatment available to help. With teeth bleaching, your dentist can remove unsightly stains from your teeth and give you the smile you want. Talk to your dentist today and see whether this procedure makes sense for you. In a short time, you can feel good about showing off your white teeth.

Request an appointment here: https://drdelucia.com or call Anthony DeLucia D.D.S., P.A. at (772) 492-7045 for an appointment in our Stuart office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Teeth Bleaching in Stuart, FL.

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