How an Emergency Dentist Can Help You in a Time of Need

Are you looking for important information on how an Emergency Dentist can help you in your time of need? Being prepared for a dental emergency is important, as it can make a huge difference in a successful outcome.

While many people associate any emergency with going to a hospital, emergency room professionals only include medical doctors, not dentists. Even though doctors can address an emergency by providing treatment, they cannot provide long-lasting solutions.

Seeing an emergency dentist can address the issue at hand and yield a more permanent solution.

About emergency dentists

Not all dentists will offer their patients emergency dental services. It can be difficult for a dentist to offer round-the-clock care since it interferes with personal life. A regular dentist usually has a full schedule and may not be able to treat you promptly. When interviewing a new dentist, emergencies should be discussed so you know what to do in the event an emergency occurs.

An emergency dentist typically has office hours that start before and end after a normal dental office. They also may have 24-hour phone availability to help you outside of normal business hours.

Most importantly, emergency dentists prioritize urgent care. They can typically see you on the same day as your injury. If the dentist is unable to see you, they should be able to advise you by phone or refer you to another dentist who can assist you in their absence.

How an emergency dentist can help

If you experience a dental emergency, all you need to do is call an emergency dentist. Let the staff know what has happened. You will get care instructions for the injury, and the dentist will often make a same-day appointment.

Also, the dentist can tell you if the situation is truly an emergency. Some injuries may look bad, but urgent care is not necessary.

That said, it is best to call an emergency dentist if you feel extreme tooth pain or suffer trauma. As the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Common dental emergencies

Broken teeth

A damaged tooth is vulnerable to infection. If left untreated, a small chip can cause further damage or even loss of the tooth.

Lost fillings

If a filling falls out of your tooth, you will likely experience pain and sensitivity. Moreover, bacteria can now enter your tooth and infect it. An emergency dentist can seal the tooth to protect it and reduce pain.

Knocked out teeth

If you lose a tooth, there is a chance that an emergency dentist can reinsert the tooth into your mouth. While children’s teeth are easier to save, adult teeth can also be reinserted if you act quickly.

You can also see an emergency dentist for the following reasons:

  • Root canals
  • Tooth extractions
  • Care for broken or loose crowns
  • Care for abscessed teeth
  • Mouth infection treatment
  • Care for oral swelling

Do you have access to an emergency dentist?

Do not wait if you or a loved one have extreme tooth pain or suffer facial trauma. Not only is waiting more painful, but you may experience more severe issues without treatment.

Call our office and speak with our emergency dentist to see if you need treatment. Our staff will schedule an appointment to address your issues or refer you to another available dentist as soon as possible.

Request an appointment here: or call Anthony DeLucia D.D.S., P.A. at (772) 492-7045 for an appointment in our Stuart office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Emergency Dentist.

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